MARCH 6—9, 2022
Sponsored by the United States Senate
Funded and Administered by the Hearst Foundations
60th Annual
Washington Week
Official Presidential portrait of Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale, 1801
There is a debt of service due from every man to his country, proportioned to the bounties which nature and fortune have measured to him.
Program Description
The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) is an intensive weeklong educational experience sponsored by the United States Senate that nurtures an important reservoir of student talent and energy toward the high purpose of public service.
The program was created by Senate Resolution 324 in 1962 as stated in supporting Senate testimony from that year “to increase young Americans’ understanding of the interrelationships of the three branches of government, the caliber and responsibilities of federally elected and appointed officials, and the vital importance of democratic decision making not only for America but for people around the world.”
The 60th annual Washington Week gave 104 outstanding high school students — two from every state, the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity — an in-depth learning experience about the federal government and a chance via Zoom to meet and interact with those who lead it. As the students develop a deeper commitment to public service they also form intellectual and emotional bonds with their peers from across the nation.
Administered and funded by The Hearst Foundations since inception, the USSYP utilizes no government funds. The program is highly competitive and merit-based. Qualified students — those already serving in an elected or appointed capacity with excellent academic performance — are nominated by their teachers, principals and guidance counselors and are ultimately selected by their state departments of education. Delegates are each awarded a $10,000 college scholarship and are encouraged to continue coursework in history, government and public affairs.
United States Senate
Resolution 324
In 1962, Senate Resolution 324, submitted by Senator Kuchel (for himself and Senators Mansfield, Dirksen and Humphrey), was referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration, and, subsequently, unanimously approved by the United States Senate as follows:
WHEREAS the continued vitality of our Republic depends, in part, on the intelligent understanding of our political processes and the functions of our National Government by the citizens of the United States; and
WHEREAS the durability of a constitutional democracy is dependent upon alert, talented, vigorous competition for political leadership; and
WHEREAS individual Senators have cooperated with various private and university undergraduate and graduate fellowship and internship programs relating to the work of Congress; and
WHEREAS in the high schools of the United States, there exists among students who have been elected to student body offices in their junior or senior year a potential reservoir of young citizens who are experiencing their first responsibilities of service to a constituency and who should be encouraged to deepen their interest in and understanding of their country’s political process: Now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Senate hereby expresses its willingness to cooperate in a nationwide competitive high school Senate youth program which would give several representative high school students from each State a short indoctrination into the operation of the United States Senate and the Federal Government generally, if such a program can be satisfactorily arranged and completely supported by private funds with no expense to the Federal Government.
RESOLUTION 146. To amend S. Res. 324 of the Eighty-seventh Congress to provide for the participation of the Department of Defense education system for dependents in overseas areas in the Senate Youth Program.
RESOLVED, That S. Res. 324, Eighty-seventh Congress, agreed to May 17, 1963, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section:
SECTION 3. For the purpose of this resolution, the term “State” includes the Department of Defense education system for dependents in overseas areas.
Senate Advisory
William Randolph
Hearst III
Dear Delegates,
The 60th anniversary of the United States Senate Youth Program took place online, using the comprehensive interactive platform we created last year. The challenges of the ongoing pandemic and start of war in Ukraine tested our country and spirit during this time. But we found great hope and optimism in the energy, leadership, perseverance and passion on full display from our delegates as we celebrated the program’s 60th year.
Our commitment to the USSYP is unwavering. This period in history has been especially daunting for young people, both academically and emotionally. Even the most motivated students, who are striving to lead, thrive and achieve in their educational and extracurricular pursuits, have been greatly impacted. And yet, it only underscores the importance of our mission: to impart knowledge, to inspire, to offer perspective and foster respectful, civil debate and understanding among America’s future leaders.
The highest levels of leadership in all three branches of government and our NATO partner overseas welcomed you and gave you the opportunity to ask questions and converse in a way unique to this historic program. We are deeply appreciative of our Senate Co-Chairs, Senator Christopher Coons and Senator Susan Collins and their staffs for the assiduous work year-round required to make the program possible. Our sincere gratitude extends to all members of the Senate Advisory Committee, the 85 members of the Senate who met with their delegates via Zoom, and the many speakers who gave so generously of their time despite intensifying events.
Each delegate also receives a $10,000 college scholarship in the name of the United States Senate. The Washington Week experience and the college scholarship are an inseparable award, combining the encouragement and guidance given by the esteemed speakers with financial support to pursue college-level study of government, history and public affairs. The Hearst Foundations are honored to sponsor this enduring partnership with the United States Senate, the state departments of education nationwide and the Department of Defense.
Numbering more than 6,000, USSYP alumni continue to excel in prominent public service positions in all branches of government and in all career sectors. In addition to the many featured on this site, our alumni fill the ranks in all aspects of society.
We thank the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, the leaders at the state departments of education nationwide, and the teachers and school counselors across the country for their pivotal roles in the student selection process. We also thank and commend the Department of Defense for the vital and enduring collaboration that ensures an unparalleled leadership experience.
The program’s mission shall continue as long as young people in America combine a dedication to academic excellence with a desire to serve their country and their communities.
We are all proud of you and look forward to your future accomplishments.
William Randolph Hearst III
President, The Hearst Foundations
2022 Washington Week Online Agenda
Sunday, March 6
Welcome orientation and meeting of Military Mentor Groups
Live Tour: George Washington’s Mount Vernon
USSYP Student Roll Call of the States
Program Welcome, Mr. Dino Dinovitz, Executive Director of The Hearst Foundations, and USSYP Military Mentor Roll Call of the Services
Senator Cory Gardner
(USSYP – CO 1993)
Former U.S. Senator of Colorado
Monday, March 7
Judge Robert Henry
(USSYP – OK 1971)
Former Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
Dr. Betty Koed
Senate Historian
Justice Anthony Kennedy
(Retired) Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
Ms. Vanita Gupta
U.S. Associate Attorney General
Senator Susan Collins
(USSYP – ME 1971)
Republican Co-Chair of the 60th Annual United States Senate Youth Program
Tuesday, March 8
Ms. Carmen Romero
NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy
Senator Christopher Coons
Democratic Co-Chair of the 60th Annual United States Senate Youth Program
Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Interactive Diplomacy Simulation: The Suez Canal Crisis
National Museum of American Diplomacy, U.S. Department of State
Wednesday, March 9
Ms. Jessica Rosenworcel
Chairwoman, Federal Communications Commission
Virtual Tour:
Arlington National Cemetery
General Mark Milley
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Major General
David Isaacson, USA
Chief of Staff, USCYBERCOM
Mr. Ali Zaidi
(USSYP – PA 2003)
Deputy White House National Climate Advisor
Ms. Jenny Gao
(USSYP – WA 2012)
White House Senior Advisor to the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy
Mr. Michael Kikukawa
(USSYP – HI 2013)
Press Assistant, White House Office of the Press Secretary
Secretary Pete Buttigieg
(USSYP – IN 2000)
U.S. Secretary of Transportation